雅思口语Part One思路解析:Jewelry 珠宝首饰
What’s your attitude toward jewelry?
I think jewelry is good for us, especially for making our appearance better. But, I don’t buy that jewelry is a good investment to make more money. 注释:buy sth并非买什么 是不认同…观点的意思
What’s kind of jewelry you like to buy?
Well, I’m a man(也可以说是girl) who don’t care much about jewelry. So, only if someone is having a birthday celebration, will I buy some jewelry like Jade, which is beautiful to my taste.
Why do so many people choose to buy expensive jewelry to maintain value?
The reason why they choose to buy jewelry that is way more expensive than those ordinary ones is that they think the rarer the better, then, one day, if their cash becomes less valuable, the jewelry can help them out.
How often do you wear jewelry?
I seldom wear jewelry. The only one time I wore a jewelry was actually when I was in my sister-in-law’s wedding ceremony. I felt quite good/on top of the world when I had a precious greenish jade ring on my finger.
我几乎不戴珠宝首饰的,我记得我唯一一次戴首饰的情况是在参加表姐的婚礼上,我戴了那个绿绿的玉石戒指💍感觉人都高大上了很多 当然考官紧紧只问一些珠宝首饰的问题??NO NO NO, 他还可能要求你》》》Describe your favorite piece of clothing (描述你最喜欢穿的衣服) 记得一起练习。
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