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雅思G类书信写作范文 写信感谢博物馆 感谢信之前咱们也写过一些,比如给餐馆写感谢信还有给老朋友写感谢信等,本次 […]


雅思G类书信写作范文 写信感谢博物馆

感谢信之前咱们也写过一些,比如给餐馆写感谢信还有给老朋友写感谢信等,本次我们要完成的一篇G类书信与博物馆相关,在参观完博物馆之后可以给相关的博物馆管理层表达感谢。要知道,在国外的博物馆文化还是比较浓厚的,各种各样的博物馆,比如shoe museum (鞋子主题的博物馆);history museum (历史博物馆)以及art gallery 艺术相关的展览等等。

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.需要花费二十分钟的时间完成这项任务

You recently visited a tourist attraction and you were very pleased with the help given to you by the staff. 你最近参观了一个旅游景点,你对那里员工所给予的帮助非常感到满意。

Write a letter to the head of staff at the tourist attraction. In your letter:写一封信给旅游景点员工的总监,在信件中:

  • give details of the circumstances of your visit 给出你旅游的细节
  • describe the help given to you by the staff 给出员工给予你的具体帮助
  • say what you want the head staff to do 表达你想要员工总监做的事情

Write at least 150 words.不低于一百五十词


Dear Sir or Madam,


I am Joe, a tourist from Vietnam, recently been to your Illusion 3D Art Museum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and had been overwhelmed both with the collection and courteous staff. I am writing to express my appreciation for the wonderful experience that I had during my visit to your Museum.

我的名字叫Joe, 来自越南,最近去了你们位于马来西亚吉隆坡的3D艺术博物馆。对那里的收藏品以及热情的员工所折服。我写此信是为了向你们表达我参观你们博物馆的美好体验的感激之情。

I took a week-long vacation to Kuala Lumpur with my wife and daughter in August and learned about your Museum from TripAdvisor, a useful website for tourists. After we reached your Museum, the receptionist explained what we can expect once inside and what we can do to enjoy our time. This article is from Laokaoya website. She was very friendly and cooperative. Once we got inside, another staff member greeted us and then escorted us to different worth enjoying 3D collections. My daughter had thoroughly enjoyed her time and we took several pictures to capture the moment. He was with us until the last moment and had been quite cordial.


I would like to thank you for a great museum with a fabulous selection and on top of that, gracious staff members who have a genuine smile and a positive mentality to let visitors enjoy their time. Please convey my regards and best wishes to them.


With appreciation from Vietnam.


Yours faithfully,

Joe Smith


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/12299.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类书信写作范文 写信感谢博物馆:等您坐沙发呢!


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