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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion when you got up early/De […]


雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion when you got up early/Describe a time when you got up early 描述一次你早起的经历 起得很早的经历


这道题在三年前考过(Describe a time you got up extremely early),如今又浮出了水面。几乎所有的烤鸭都有早起的经历,可以说的东西有很多,比如早起为了赶飞机,早起为了赶考(路途遥远,又没住在考点附近)等等。不过,即使经历很简单,很多考生也会觉得描述起来比较困难。老烤鸭小编教过的学生中有不少人都没有太多语言用于描述这个早起的经历,可能三四句就把能讲述的事情说完了==;这里小编建议大家看到题目后,多给自己一点时间思考一下,你当时所经历的场景以及内心的感受。可以从内心上多做些补充,也可以从情景上多给些交代。这样才会让考官知道你所表达的内容是at length(足够充分)并且make meaning clear(意思清楚)的。


Describe an occasion when you got up early

You should say:

when you got up

what you did

why you got up so early

And explain how you felt about it




Well, an occasion when I got up early was for a mountain climbing on Mount. Hua, which is a five-star natural scenic spot located in Hua Town, Shaanxi Province.


I remember it was in the first summer vacation during my college when my friends and I went to the Mount. Hua for climbing. We were living and studying in the downtown of Xi’an, and it would normally take us 2 hours to get there. I clearly remember the reason why we woke up so early, probably around 4 AM, is that we wanted to get a head-up over the traffic and to be able to see the sunrise. Gosh, honestly, this article is from Laokaoya website, the last time I woke that early was probably for a day of military training in our high school. It took me a while to be fully awake, and I dashed to the washroom to wash my face, and wrap up all the stuff that we needed. As we were in a rush, we finished our breakfast on our way to the Mout. Hua.


The journey to that place was exciting because none of us had ever been there before. It’s like an adventure to a mysterious world under the sea. Nobody knew what this climbing would go. But, when we got there, it wasn’t bad. The scenic spot provided us with a helmet with a flashlight so that we could see the road ahead. We ended up reaching the summit and seeing the sunrise, which was quite stunning.


It was definitely a great experience since I once again managed to challenge my limit, and this made me feel a sense of accomplishment.


Part 3 追加问题

Is it easier for old people to get up early than young people?

Do you know anyone who likes to get up early?

Why do people get up early?

What kinds of occasions need people to arrive early?

Why do some people like to stay up late?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/12056.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an occasion when you got up early 早起:等您坐沙发呢!


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