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雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 坐飞机丢失行李 本期雅思G类书信写作老烤鸭小编要介绍的话题与旅途相关。去国外 […]

雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 坐飞机丢失行李


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 请花二十分钟完成此项任务

Last week you were on a flight to London. Unfortunately, when you left the plane, you left a bag. You did not remember about the bag until you got to your hotel. 上周你搭乘航班飞往伦敦。不幸的是,当你下飞机后,你丢失了一个包。你直到抵达你的酒店才想起来包的事情。

Write a letter to the airline. In your letter写一封信给航班,在信件中,

  • explain what has happened 解释一下发生了什么
  • describe the bag and its content 描述一下包和包内的东西
  • and say what you would like them to do about it.说明一下你想让他们做一些什么

Write at least 150 words. 写不低于一百五十词

You do NOT need to write your own addresses. 不必写清楚你自己的地址


Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing regarding a bag that I left on one of your planes last week. On 24th November, I travelled to London on flight FRC- 2547-A from Sydney. According to my ticket, my seat number was D-5A. The bag contains some important documents which I need immediately. I am hoping you would help me find the lost bag.

我写的次封信是关于我上周搭乘贵航班是丢失的行李包。在十一月二十四日的时候,我搭乘FRC-2547-A航班从悉尼飞往伦敦。从我的机票上看来,我的座位号是D-5A。包内装有一些我急切需要的重要文件。 我希望您能帮我找到丢失的包。

After I reached my hotel in London, I realised I had left my bag on the plane under the seat in front of me. I felt pretty silly about the mistake. This translation is from Laokaoya website. My bag is small in size and is made of brown leather with a zip on the top. Inside the bag, I have put a credit card, a debit card, a book that I was reading titled ‘War and Peace’ by Leo Tolstoy, some car keys, my mobile phone and some important business documents. I need these documents within a few days and they are very important to me.

当我抵达伦敦的酒店之后,我意识到我丢失了我放在我座位前下方的包。犯这个错误,我感觉我是傻透了。我的包是一个小尺寸的,是由棕色皮革做成,上方还有拉链。在包里面,我放了一张信用卡,一张借记卡,还有一本我正在读的由Leo Tolstoy写的名为战争与和平的书,还有一些要是,我的手机以及一些非常重要的商业文件。过几天我就需要这些文件,它们对我来说非常重要。

I, therefore, request you to have your lost property department check and see if they have my bag and contact me as soon as possible. I can be reached on my mobile phone +0299465467484 or on my email at JoeMond@laokaoya.com.

因此,我请求您能够在失物招领部门帮我查查看,看看他们是否找到了我的包,请尽快联系我。可以联系我的手机号 +0299465467484或者我的邮箱地址JoeMond@laokaoya.com。

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Yours faithfully,


Joe Mond



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雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 坐飞机丢失行李:等您坐沙发呢!


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