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2019年4月6日雅思考试答案 亚太卷 相比于今天大陆卷的变态难度而言,亚太卷的考试还算正常。听力部分分别考察 […]


2019年4月6日雅思考试答案 亚太卷



Section 1 租借聚会场地


1-10 填空

1. cost: 25.5 per child with deposit 包含押金在内,每个孩子25.5英镑

2. two dishes of chicken 两道鸡肉的菜

3. and fish cakes 鱼蛋糕

4. dinner option: two deluxe standard 晚餐选择:两种豪华标准

5. food: except above two dishes plus vegetable burger 除了上面两道菜之外,还有蔬菜汉堡

6. playground 游乐场

7. special party wears party hats 特殊的聚会穿着

8. location: the first hour in sports hall 第一个小时会在运动大厅里

9. need information about names of two adults 需要两位成人的名字

10. should have the reservation in advance 应该事先预订

Section 2 介绍国家森林公园的变化和布局


11-16 选择

11. This national park has the largest _____ in the world.

C. rainforest 这个国家公园拥有世界上最大的雨林

12. What is the best thing they can do on the top of the mountain?

A. a picnic area 山顶上可以做的最棒的事情是野餐

13. What did the guy recommend for the experienced walkers?

C. a booklet for the Greek walk 工作人员为有经验的徒步旅行者推荐一般关于希腊步行的小册子

14. The cost of flying fox

C. included in the bill 某项服务的费用包含在账单里

15. all-year-round activities for children

A. feeding the animals and animal spotting 孩子全年能做的活动是为动物以及看动物

16. what should we do before we go to the restaurant?

C. collet meal ticket at the reception 在去餐厅之前应该到前台领取餐票

17-20 地图题

17. A. opposite the picnic area, beside the lake. 野餐区对面,湖旁边

18. D. keep going straight ahead on the right side, not the left one. 在右边直走,不是左边那个

19. E. take the second turn to right near the BBQ area 在第二个路口右转,靠近烧烤区

20. G. opposite to the tennis court 在网球场的对面

Section 3 学生和导游讨论墨西哥旅行


21-25 选择

21. in order to go on the trip, the student must

C. fill in the application form 为了去这趟旅行,学生必须填写申请表

22. how much of the cost should the university pay

A. 450 pounds 学校应该支付450英镑

23. how do biologists determine a desert? 生物学家如何定义沙漠?

A. the water evaporate faster than rain fall 水的蒸发速度大于降雨

24. the destination desert was originally a

B. marine desert 目的地的沙漠最初是海洋

25. why did the university choose this desert as the study subject?

C. birds 学校因为鸟类将这篇沙漠作为研究对象

26-30 填空

26. this trip project is designed for undergraduate student 该旅行项目视为本科生设计的

27. they will use a ship as the base 他们会用船作为基地

28. students will have to write a journal every day 学生必须每天写一篇日志

29. The oldest plant in this area is 12000 years old 该区域最老的植物已经有12000年了

30. A reference book named “baked earth” 一本参考书叫做“炙烤大地”

Section 4 关于两组乌龟实验的比较


31-40 填空

31. living in glass bottle covered with a layer of newspaper 住在盖有一层报纸的玻璃瓶里

32. open roof with sand base 瓶口敞开,沙子底座

33. diet: high protein, fiber diet based on foods in wild condition 野外环境下高蛋白质,纤维素的食物

34. increase in activity especially during feeding time 在喂食时间活动上升

35. during the night and in hot weather particularly 尤其是在晚上和炎热的天气

36. stabilize with constant temperature 温度不变的情况下比较稳定

37. increase in average size 平均尺寸有所上升

38. excessive loss of body fluids from skin 皮肤损失大量体液

39. causing weakness in their bones 引发骨质脆弱

40. no turtles suffer kidney problems 没有乌龟遭受肾脏问题







The chart below shows the rate of males and females who were overweight in Australia from 1980 to 2010


People have little understanding of the importance of the natural world, what are the reasons and how can people learn more about the natural world?


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2019年4月6日雅思考试答案 亚太卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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