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雅思口语Part One话题思路:Teenagers 青少年 咱们来看看最常见的PART ONE的雅思问答题都 […]


雅思口语Part One话题思路:Teenagers 青少年

咱们来看看最常见的PART ONE的雅思问答题都怎么突破, 下文附上老烤鸭原创答案供烤鸭参考。

Do you like to spend time with teenagers?


Yes, I enjoy the moments with teenagers. This is because teenagers always give me different perspectives when we are talking something about everything. For instance. Plus, they sometimes are keen on something new, which gives me a lot of opportunities to learn from them.

Do you know anything about the kind of fashion that teenagers like?


Well, I’m not quite sure what specific kind of fashion they are crazy about, but to my knowledge, they seem to be fascinated about some trendy clothing Brand like Boy London, which is a black color oriented fashion. Sometimes, I think it’s just like an ordinary clothing brand, but I guess they have their own fashion taste which I can’t tell.

What are the best things of being a teenager?


Well, one of the best things of being a teenager is that teenagers have a lot of energy both physically and mentally, which enables them to extra sports than the elders. And another good thing is that they will always have a curiosity about something new, and that means they are easy to get some momentum to finish something that is kind of boring to old.

How do teenagers entertain themselves?


Well, they have a lot of ways to entertain themselves. I think the most popular way is playing computer games or mobile games like LOL with their classmates and friends. They think it’s the fastest and easiest way think can find to loosen up.

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