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雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 写信给公司维修手机 在国外的生活中有一个会遇到的场景就是自己购买的产品质量出 […]


雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 写信给公司维修手机


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.请花二十分钟完成此项任务

You have bought a new mobile phone and in a few days of purchase, it has stopped working. You have spoken to the company representative a week ago but it has still not been repaired.


Write a letter to the company. In your letter, 写给公司一封邮件,在信件中,

  • introduce yourself 介绍你自己
  • explain the situation 解释情况
  • say what action you would like the company to take 说明你想要公司采取什么措施

You should write at least 150 words. 书写词数不低于150词

You do NOT need to write your own address. 不用写清楚地址


Dear Sir or Madam,


I am writing to notify you that I have recently purchased a brand-new mobile phone from your store and it stopped working after a week. I want you to replace this mobile phone with a new one as per the warranty clauses.


Thee weeks ago I purchased a brand new Nokia 6.1 Plus mobile phone from your Broadway Avenue store. I was excited to have it but soon disheartened to find that it was a faulty product that stopped working just after a week’s use. This translation is from Laokaoya website. The problem with the mobile phone started to appear on 25th May and it is completely unusable now. I am very surprised to discover such issues in an expensive model.

就在三周前,我在你们的百老汇大街分店购买了一台诺基亚6.1 Plus的手机。我当时买到手的时候特别兴奋,但是发现这产品有问题,使用一周后就坏了,真是特别伤心。这手机出问题的时候是在五月25日,现在彻底无法使用了。在这款这么贵的型号发现这类问题我真是有点吃惊。

Naturally, I returned the phone to your store to be replaced with a new one. One of your staffs told me that they will send it to my home address within a week. However, two weeks have already passed and I have not received it yet. I am very disappointed with your poor after-sale service. The order number is 54875412 and I am attaching a copy of my receipt.


In this regard, I insist on getting a full refund of the purchase amount if the replacement does not happen within the next week.


Thank you for giving the matter your attention and I hope to hear your reply soon.


Yours faithfully,


Joseph Mark

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/10566.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 写信给公司维修手机:等您坐沙发呢!


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