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2019年3月2日雅思考试答案 亚太卷 今天这场亚太地区的考试同样不难。听力部分,Section 1考察的是一 […]


2019年3月2日雅思考试答案 亚太卷

今天这场亚太地区的考试同样不难。听力部分,Section 1考察的是一场为期两天的学生露营活动,Section 3仍然为两名学生讨论学术问题。Section 4为野生动物的保护。写作部分的小作文考察了比较少见的流程图,大作文同样是出现的比较少的报告类话题。老烤鸭小编根据网上考生的回忆,整理了这次考试的答案,以供大家参考。


Section 1 学生露营活动


1-10 填空

1. Try climbing for the first time 尝试第一次攀登

2. the students can pay to borrow shoes 学生可以用钱租鞋子

3. lunch will be barbecue or pizza 午餐会是烧烤或者披萨

4. students can enjoy the spectacular view of the city 学生可以享受城市美丽的风景

5. students can try football game 学生可以尝试踢足球

6. In the afternoon, they will watch dancing from aborigines 下午他们将观看土著居民的舞蹈

7. students live in a block named Paige 学生居住在一个叫做Paige的街区

8. when the camps are full, it can contain  95 students 野营最多可以容纳95名学生

9. the price is £150 pounds per student 每个学生的费用是150英镑

10. it does not include transport 它不包括交通费用

Section 2答案暂缺

Section 3 古代物品的年龄鉴别


21-26 选择

21. Linda’s objection to the study:

C. A piece of jewelry 琳达反对研究一件珠宝

22. Linda calculate the date of the antique based on its

B. stitching 琳达计算这件古董的日期依据它的缝法

23. What surprised Linda most: much more information

C. be sold on the internet 让琳达最吃惊的是许多信息在互联上销售

24. The character of the antique:

B. a visible label in French 这件古董的一个特点是法语写的可见的标签。

25. Why Neil do not bring the antique with him

B. too useful for the owner to move 尼奥没有携带另一件古董过来的原因是对物主很有用,没办法移动

26. How did Neil identify the time?

B. by metal on the top 尼奥通过顶上的金属来鉴别时间

27-30 匹配

27. meet interesting people:

D. neither of them 他们都没有遇到有趣的人

28. a new method for research:

C. both of them 他们都采用了新的研究方法

29. draw a conclusion from the experiment, can’t answer the question:

A. Neil only 只有尼奥从实验中得出了结论

30. feel prepared at the start:

B. Linda only 只有琳达在一开始的时候就觉得自己准备好了

Section 4 澳大利亚物种灭绝

31. Several species of frog are at risk because of increased housing 因为日益增长的住房,一些品种的青蛙面临威胁

32. loss of food source due to pesticides is affecting many animals especially birds. 杀虫剂影响许多动物,尤其是鸟类,导致失去食物来源

33. Production of single crops like corn is harming wildlife 单一作物的生产对野生动物有害

Attitude to endangered animals: 对待濒危动物的态度

34. Can be influenced by the media (e.g. the panda) 会受到媒体的影响

35. People are less concerned about smaller animals, e.g. insects 人们更少关心小型动物,如昆虫。

Some animals are ignored because they are viewed:

36. with the fear. 一些动物被忽略应为它们让人恐惧

37. as our rivals in terms of food 在食物方面作为我们的竞争对手

38. the ecosystem needs to be complex to be stable 生态系统需要足够复杂才能稳定

39. some types of plants can help to signal environmental problems 一些种类的植物可以预示环境问题

40. cobwebs help with medical disorders related to the blood system 蜘蛛网对于与血液系统相关的疾病很有帮助


2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案








The world of work is changing rapidly and people cannot depend on the same job or the same conditions of work for life.  Discuss the possible causes for these changes and give your suggestions on how people should prepare for work in the future?



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/10437.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

2019年3月2日雅思考试答案 亚太卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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