雅思Part3 : What kinds of service are bad services? 什么样的服务算是糟糕的服务?
这道题出自一篇与Service(服务)相关的口语话题卡,难度系数中等。想必曾经在生活当中经历过类似情况的考生一定有话可说,比如说明明EMS的邮件快递(雅思成绩等等)到了本地城市,邮递员却以各种理由推迟投递长达半个月,还比如工行的老一辈业务员给你办业务爱理不理的,很不耐烦不说,还搞错了业务等等。不过这道题目要求考生对bad service做一个定义,这是一个小难点。可以根据自己的经历来下定义,也可以引用别人的想法。考生在练习这道题的过程中需要提醒自己的是,定义没有限制,永远不要因为自己的思路限制而制约了表达。
It’s hard to define, but I generally have a sense that if the service was not in accordance with the standards being promoted, then, then it would be bad. For example, you have booked room of a five-star hotel that promised its customers to keep the highest sanitation as they could. However, this article is from Laokaoya website, you got to know that you were offered a set of glassware that was once cleaned by the toilet brush. That’s definitely a horrible service because you didn’t get the service you were promised.
点击返回查看该话题卡: Describe a time you received horrible service 描述你获得的糟糕服务/不好的服务