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雅思G类小作文范文 写一封信给俱乐部取消会员服务club membership 本期老烤鸭雅思小编要要和大家介 […]


雅思G类小作文范文 写一封信给俱乐部取消会员服务club membership


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


For the past years, you have been a member of a local club. Now you want to discontinue your membership.


Write a letter to the club secretary. In your letter


  • state what type of membership you have and how you have paid for this 讲清楚你办理了什么类型的会员,怎么支付的
  • give details on how you have benefited from the club 给出你在俱乐部获得的益处
  • explain why you want to leave 解释你为什么要离开

Write at least 150 words.不少于150个词

You do NOT need to write your own addresses. 不必写出你的地址

Begin your letter as follows: 以如下方式开头:

Dear ………,


Dear Mr. Anderson,


I am writing in regard to the cancellation of my membership at the China Society of Mechanical Engineers club. I have been a platinum plus member since 2010 and received numerous benefits. I have decided to cancel my membership as I will migrate to Australia soon.


This club has been a great help to me. As a member, I have learned many things through seminars conducted by the society. I have also met professionals within our group and received useful career advice from them. This article is translated by Laokaoya website. My payments are up to date and I enclose a copy of my payment records which I made through an affiliated bank.


With regards to my decision to leave the club, a year ago I applied for residency in Australia and last week I received the approval visa. Under this circumstance, I have to cancel my membership as I will leave the country next month.


I now seek your accreditation as I am interested in joining a similar group in Australia, and they might ask for a reference. I might, therefore, request a reference from you in the near future.


Thank you in advance and my best wishes for the society and its members.


Yours sincerely,


Joel Philip

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/10355.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类小作文范文 写一封信给俱乐部取消会员服务club membership:等您坐沙发呢!


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