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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an English lesson you had 描述曾经上过的一节英 […]


雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an English lesson you had 描述曾经上过的一节英语课



而这道题并没有对于英语课的感受下个具体的定义要求。因此,你可以写一节你很享受的英语课。同样,你也可以写曾经觉得上得糟糕透了的英语课(这里当然可以说是不某一位老师比如体育老师教的一节英文课(P.E Teacher无辜躺枪) :razz: ,或者也可以说上了一节专业课,十分专业,搞的自己蒙圈头大了。。)

之前老烤鸭(laokaoya.com)曾经撰写过一篇关于一堂很享受的英语课的指导文章,详细参考这篇 ‘喜欢的一节英文课’ (点击链接进入)。



Describe  an English lesson you had

You should say:

What the lesson was about  课程是关于什么的

Where you studied it  你在哪学的

When you studied it  什么时候学的

And explain why you studied this lesson  为什么要学这一课程


Well, an English lesson I had that was deeply stuck in my memory was actually happened nearly a decade ago.


The lesson itself was by no doubt worthwhile taking. However, I was not that comfortable during, as I remember, the first week right after the National Day. I was having a holiday syndrome, you know, always recalling the wonderful precious moments when I was with my comrades on the battle of the League of Legends, which was quite popular among youngsters like us. Plus, I got a cold and was even affected by the coronary herpes, which made me feel quite exhausted.


I clearly remember that it was a lesson about the American foods given by my favorite teacher – Jenny. You know the itches under the skin right on my biceps really tortured me like I was a poor little man swimming in the river near the water dam that was not gonna give you a single chance to get back to the land. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. You can’t imagine how hard it was for me to stick to the end of the lesson.


It was Tony who was my classmate that helped me out when he noticed my discomfort and sent me to the hospital, and I ended up getting better after that life-long English lesson.


Part 3 附加问题

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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an English lesson you had 描述曾经上过的一节英语课:等您坐沙发呢!


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