雅思口语Part3:Do you think that technology always has positive effects? 你认为科技永远都有好的影响吗? 不,我不觉得。的确是显而易见,科技给我们带来了很多益处,比如我们在淘宝上购物而不用去实体店,这大大节省了我们的时间。但是呢,科技的确也会困扰我们。比方说,我们的电子设备只要连接上互联网,我们私 ...
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雅思口语话题Part 3: 技术 technology
雅思口语话题Part 3: 技术 technology Do you like to use new technology? 你喜欢新科技吗? Does technology deeply affect people’s lives? 科技是否深深的影响着人们的生活? Is there any difference between technology in cities and in small towns? 城市和乡镇的科技是否存在差别? Do you agree that ...
2018-01-06 22:28雅思口语Part3答案