雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a leisure facility (cinema, theatre, sports center) you would like to have in your hometown 家乡的休闲娱乐设施 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历撰写答案 该题目有两个信息点:hometown和leisure facility.前者几乎没有任何约束力,哪怕你描述的设施不是自 ...
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雅思口语第三部分附加问题:家乡的休闲娱乐设施 Would people change their way of entertainment as they grow older? 随着年纪增加,人们会改变自己的娱乐方式吗? What do young people do for fun? 年轻人怎么娱乐? Do you think entertainment methods will be home-based in the future? 你觉得未来的娱乐方式会 ...
2017-09-26 17:31雅思口语Part3答案