雅思口语Part3:What are the common home appliances that people use these days? 如今人们最常用的家电有哪些? 这道雅思口语Part3问题难度适中,考官通过要求考生举例进行回答来给考生口语判分。家电(home appliances )一般指的是在家里使用的电力驱动的中大型设备,最常见的例子比如冰箱、电视机等,如果要说手 ...
雅思口语Part3: What are the advantages an disadvantages of the family business? 家族生意的好坏
雅思口语Part3: What are the advantages an disadvantages of the family business? 家族生意的好坏/优势和劣势在哪? 此类第三部分的问题经常在商业、购物、经济发展等话题中问到,难度系数适中。主要难点在于对同一事物的正反两方面的分析。考生不必绞尽脑汁思考论点怎么有独创性,把话说明白最重要。 Well, the ben ...
2019-02-08 22:57雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语part3:What measures should be taken to deal with damage to public facilities?破坏公物
雅思口语part3:What measures should be taken to deal with damage to public facilities? 我们可以采取什么措施来针对破坏公物的行为? 一般情况下,这道题在雅思口语第三部分开头出现,考官想听到考生针对此类问题所给出的建议。与这道题相关的话题还有环境保护、教育与公民素养、社会发展等内容。 I think a lot of ...
2019-02-07 23:01雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语Part3: Why do some people grow their own food these days? 为什么人们开始自己种植食物了?
雅思口语Part3: Why do some people grow their own food these days?为什么现在的人们开始自己种植食物了? 与食物相关的话题卡还会问道一些比如食物的种类;素食主义者;饮食习惯与健康以及曾经和当代餐饮的区别等等 I think the main reason why people grow their own food these days is that food safety has be ...
2019-02-06 23:25雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语Part3: Are you an impulsive customer? 你是一位冲动的消费者吗?
雅思口语Part3: Are you an impulsive customer? 你是一位冲动的消费者吗? 这道题与购物话题相关,常见的问题场景都在超市、网购、经济发展与科技相关的内容, 也不排除考官会追问购物之后接着问一些与环境保护相关的问题。 No, I am not. I think I am a very rational person when it comes to shopping. I buy thing ...
2019-02-03 23:22雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语part3: Do people in your country like to write books?你们国家的人们喜欢读书吗?
雅思口语part3: Do people in your country like to write books?你们国家的人们喜欢读书吗? 读书的话题经常和学习以及学校扯到一起,考生们可以在准备reading相关问题的时候可以尝试把相关的话题内容也一起准备准备。 No, I don’t think so. You see, when you take the subway or bus in our country, you har ...
2019-02-02 22:43雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语part3: Do you think learning many subjects at one time is better or learning one subject is better?
雅思口语part3: Do you think learning many subjects at one time is better or learning one subject is better? 你认为一次学多门课程相比一次只学一门课程要更好吗? 与课程相关的雅思口语内容曾经出现过很多,比如学习方面的,老师方面的等等,考生们不妨回顾以前之前的口语话题卡部分内容。考官在第三部分问到的 ...
2019-02-01 23:14雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语Part3:Do you like DIY presents or presents bought in the shop? 自己动手做的礼物
雅思口语Part3:Do you like DIY presents or presents bought in the shop? 喜欢自己动手做的礼物吗,会在商店买这类礼物吗? DIY的全称叫做Do-it-yourself, present的同义词为gift,因此这两个单词考生们需要掌握,以免考官发问的时候影响问题的理解。这道题属于P3的首个问题,难度系数中等,交代清楚实际情况不必过多 ...
2019-01-30 22:39雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语Part3:Why do some people like to collect things?为什么人们喜欢收集东西?
雅思口语Part3: Why do some people like to collect things?为什么人们喜欢收集东西? collect一词表示的是采集、收藏和收集的意思,例如和 stamps搭配变成collecting stamps表示集邮的意思。也不排除雅思口语考官会把这个词换成hoard,如果不明白这词可能就会出现理解上的问题了。当然,考生最好是多多记忆一些同义词 ...
2019-01-27 23:22雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语Part3:What’s the routine of people in your country? 你们国家人们的日常是什么?
雅思口语Part3: What’s the routine of people in your country? 你们国家人们的日常是什么? 这道题中的routine在中文中翻译为日常,也就是平时会做的一些固定的事情,比如上班族那么肯定一周起码五天就是去工作,也比如说每天晚上回家陪家人,或者对于学生来说就是学习等等。当然,这里的日常并不仅仅可以说一天做的 ...
2019-01-26 23:14雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语Part3: Who would like to make bad decisions, men or women? 男人和女的错误决定
雅思口语Part3: Who would like to make bad decisions, men or women? 男人和女,谁更容易做错误的决定? 这道问题如果打不好,搞不好在美国就属于gender discrimination的问题了吧==; 而在雅思口语考试中,你不必担心自己的回答是否出现了严重偏离主流价值观的内容。但是,这道题需要烤鸭们学会通过自己的见解(知识 ...
2018-12-18 22:19雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语Part3:Should we trust the advice given by strangers for making decisions?相信陌生人吗?
雅思口语Part3:Should we trust the advice given by strangers for making decisions?我们应该相信陌生人吗? 这是一道很经典的雅思口语趴三题目,谋生人的决策建议我们是否应该采纳呢?这道与信任(trust)有关的问题考察的重点是需要考生给出一个是否认同这个观点的想法。烤鸭们可以站在自己思考的立场尝试进行阐述 ...
2018-12-13 22:09雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语Part3: Do old people often change plans? 老年人经常改变计划吗?
雅思口语Part3: Do old people often change plans? 老年人经常改变计划吗? 这道雅思口语第三部分的问题与改变计划这个话题相关,类似考到的话题卡有:Describe a time that you had to change your plan or change your mind(改变主意的经历); Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your ...
2018-12-07 23:45雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语Part3: Do you agree that men are more obsessed with new technology than women? 你同意男性比女性更加为科技着迷吗?
雅思口语Part3: Do you agree that men are more obsessed with new technology than women? 你同意男性比女性更加为科技着迷吗? 我完全认同男性比女性更为科技着迷这个观点。我就是其中一位。我认为那人们为科技而着迷的一个原因就是科技可以让事物变得更加有可玩性同时又有乐趣。比方说,外星人电脑这种玩意,对于女 ...
2018-12-02 23:11雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语part3: For teenagers do you think they should have lots of friends or just few good friends 青少年应该拥有很多朋友还是几个好朋友
雅思口语part3: For teenagers, do you think they should have lots of friends or just few good friends 青少年应该拥有很多朋友还是几个好朋友 Well, in my eyes, it is better that teenagers only have few good friends. In this case, they would have more solid friendship and know who they can turn to fo ...
2018-10-15 21:57雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语part3: Do you still keep in touch with friends in your childhood 你和你童年的朋友仍然保持联系吗
雅思口语part3: Do you still keep in touch with friends in your childhood 你和你童年的朋友仍然保持联系吗 No, I am afraid not. When I was eleven years old, I went to a prestigious boarding school in another city and only came back home during summer and winter holidays. After that, I attended sen ...
2018-10-14 21:41雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语part3: Is it important to have friends for children 拥有朋友对孩子是否重要
雅思口语part3: Is it important to have friends for children 拥有朋友对孩子是否重要 Yes, of course. Friends are an indispensable part of children’s life. Through playing with friends, they develop a variety of vital social skills for their adult life. For example, their communication skills ...
2018-10-13 23:13雅思口语Part3答案
雅思口语part3: can you name another comic actor in your country 你能说出你国家的另外一名喜剧演员吗
雅思口语part3: can you name another comic actor in your country 你能说出你国家的另外一名喜剧演员吗 Yes, it would be Zhao Benshan. He is from the northeast of China, a very famous comic actor. He used to be a regular performer of the Spring Festival Gala Evening, the biggest show in China. His sk ...
2018-10-12 22:01雅思口语Part3答案