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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a recent change of you  最近的改变 思路点拨:以 […]


雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a recent change of you  最近的改变


该题目只有一个信息点:recent change最近的改变。难度应该不大,可以说的内容有很多。生活习惯方面:早睡早起,不吃油炸食品,勤加锻炼;健康方面:体重变化,是否生病。工作方面:有无升职加薪。家庭方面:有无搬家,摆脱单身等。


You should say:

What the change was  改变是什么

What caused the change  什么导致了改变

What do you do for the change  你为改变做了什么

How do you feel about the change  改变之后感觉如何


The recent change I am going to tell you is that I finally got over my procrastination, which used to be quite serious. Before, when I got something to do, I tended to spend my time on more pleasurable things rather than the pending tasks, and thus put off things that need to be accomplished to a later time, usually the last minute before the deadline. Then I stayed up for a few nights to get it done.


It is unsurprised that my job just scraped through. I was even proud of it, since I finished it in a much shorter time compared to others. But two weeks ago, I made a big mistake in the last-minute haste. I omitted several numbers in the document that a client required. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. He was very upset and broke the cooperation with my company. My company thus lost a lot of money and I was also fined. That is why I made a resolution to change. After consulting many books, I decided to adopt the following method. Once I get a job, no matter how big it is, I divided it up into small tasks according to the time and specified when I had to complete each of them.


Gradually I get rid of procrastination and the world is different. I feel my job is easier and I have so much spare time to read, play video games and socialize. My spirit also improves. I am not anxious anymore like before.

Part 3 recent change 附加问题

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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a recent change of you  最近的改变:等您坐沙发呢!


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