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雅思口语part3: What are the differences between teenagers a […]


雅思口语part3: What are the differences between teenagers and old people


Generally speaking, their difference can be seen from their attitudes towards new things and lifestyles. Teenagers are often more open to new technologies, conceptions, ideas and fashions. Actually, they tend to embrace them and do not want to fall behind. By contrast, senior citizens are more conservative. They hold critical opinions towards new things and like to judge them from their own experience. Moreover, teenagers are energetic. They love to consume their excessive energy on the playground rather than sit quietly and read some books. The elders, on the other hand, prefer to enjoy the sunshine and their exercise hardly exceed a short walk.


点击返回Describe a teenager you know


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雅思口语part3: What are the differences between teenagers and old people 青少年和老年人之间有何差别:等您坐沙发呢!


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