雅思口语part3: Do you like to use new technology?你喜欢新科技吗?
是的,我很喜欢使用新科技。我感觉新科技极大的帮助了我的日常生活。比如,我很喜欢使用Macbook Air,它是一款苹果公司生产的超薄笔记本。这款笔记本由于有很出色的配置,提升了我的工作节奏和效率。另外,这款电脑做工很轻薄,我不必担心旅途中它会占用我太多的空间。
Yes, I love using new technology. I feel that those latest devices or machines have greatly helped me out in my life. For instance, I like using the Macboook Air, which is a very thin laptop made by the APPLE company. This article is from Laokaoya website. It just accelerated my work pace and enable me to process more things efficiently because of its excellent specifications. Plus, it’s made to be extremely portable and light. I don’t have to worry that it might take extra space when I am traveling.