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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a bad service you received in a r […]


雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop 描述餐厅或商店糟糕的服务




Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/shop

You should say

When and where it happened

What happened

How you reacted

And explain how you felt about the experience




The experience I am going to tell you happened several months ago. My friends and I had just finished our last exam and were going to have a wonderful summer vacation. To celebrate, we found a fancy restaurant near our school to have some drinks and a delicious meal.


It was well-furnished but the waiters were not very welcoming. When we sat down, no one came forward to pour a glass of water or ask what we needed. I asked several waiters for a menu. They just said “Wait a moment” and walked away, but never came back. In the end, I had to find a piece of menu at the counter by myself. The ordering process was also a disaster. The waiter knew nothing about their dishes.


Finally, we made our order and our food was served. When we were halfway through the meal, we found that there was a hair mingled in the vegetable salad. This article is from laokaoya website. Since it was buried at the bottom, we did not notice it at first. We called the waiter, but he said it was out of his responsibility. We turned to the manager. He admitted it was their mistake, but said it was no big deal. There was no need to make such a fuss and we should just keep eating.


I was outraged. It was the most horrible service I had ever received. As a restaurant, it provided neither clean food nor attentive service. I did not see any reason for its existence. As expected, it closed two months later.


Part 3追加问题

How do most people respond to bad services?

Do you think services are better now than in the past?

Why do some people choose to remain silent when they receive bad service?

As a boss, what would you do to prevent bad service?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/57635.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant or shop 餐厅或商店糟糕的服务:等您坐沙发呢!


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