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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe something that you did with someo […]


雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe something that you did with someone or a group of people 描述你和其他人或团队一起做的事情


无论大家年龄如何,成长环境怎样,在到目前为止的人生中应该都有过跟他人合作的经历;比如小学时分工合作做手工,中学时跟自己的同桌一起完成某项实验,大学时跟自己的同学合作进行小组作业或者社团活动,工作后跟同事一起完成某个项目等。唯一需要注意的是,因为题目具体用词为something that you did,因此诸如篮球、足球这样的团队运动可能不太适合作为答案。


Describe something that you did with someone or a group of people

You should say

What it was

Who you did it with

How long it took you to do this

And explain why you did it together




The experience I am going to tell you about happened last semester when my university required all the third-year students to complete a group project whose topic must be related to environmental conservation. When I learned about this information, a river occurred to me immediately. It is located in the rural-urban fringe area of my hometown and used to be my paradise, where I could swim, pick up the crabs, or watch the turtles enjoying the sunshine on the stumps, but now it has been severely polluted.


To better complete the project, I approached Xiaoming, who was majoring in chemistry and thus could analyze the composition of the polluted water to identify where it came from. Then, I found Xiaohong, who was very talkative and sociable. She was responsible for collecting the opinions of the residents living nearby. I also managed to recruit Xiaobai. He was an excellent essay writer this article is from laokaoya website who could better present our investigation results and ideas. As for me, I oversaw coordinating everything and clarified the everyday tasks.


It took us nearly a month to investigate how the river had been polluted, what impacts it had on the nearby residents, and whether there was any possible solution.


For two reasons, I chose to work in a group. First, it was specified in the school requirement, and it was not wise to disobey it. But most importantly, it was because this was a huge project that clearly exceeded my ability. I needed others’ help and their different specialties to complement mine and thus complete it.


Part 3追加问题

How do you get along with your neighbors?

Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than in the city?

How do children learn to cooperate with each other?

Do you think cooperation is important in workplaces?


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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe something that you did with someone or a group of people 和其他人一起做的事情:等您坐沙发呢!


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