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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Writing 书写 写字 无论大家是学生还是白领,日常学习工作中都离不开写东 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Writing 书写 写字


Do you write a lot? 你会写很多东西吗?

Yes, I do. Writing is an integral part of my life. As a student, I need to take notes during classes, complete essays and reports assigned by my teachers, and answer questions on the exam paper. Actually, I cannot find a day when I did not write anything in the past three months.


What do you like to write? Why? 你喜欢写什么?为什么?

If I have to pick one, I would say taking notes, because I do not need to exhaust my brain to consider the topic, grammar, and argument. But to be honest, if I had a choice, I would rather not write anything but invest the time into games.


Do you think the things you write would change? 你觉得你写的东西会发生变化吗?

Yes, I do. Right now, I take notes, write essays, and answer questions. But several years later, when I enter the workplace, my tasks will transform into writing reports, drafting speeches, and making plans.

是的。现在, 我记笔记,写论文,回答问题。但几年后,当我进入工作场所,我的任务会转变为写报告,起草演讲,以及制定计划。

Do you prefer typing or handwriting when you are writing? 写东西的时候你更喜欢手写还是打字?

I am in favor of typing. I am not very adept at handwriting. But I do have ten nimble fingers. They can dance on the keyboard and type in letters incredibly faster than holding a pen.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Writing 书写:等您坐沙发呢!


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