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2021年10月30日雅思考试答案 虽然今天雅思听力考试的题型不太符合常规,Part2出了填空而Part4则有 […]





Part 1 主题公园活动


Park sites Major attractions Facilities Discount or benefits
Water pool park 1. swimming pool with wave creator and water slide 2. changing room with lockers
XXX Park 3. climbing and hiking 4. play tennis Free of charge for children under 5 years old
XXX park 6. have an area for picnic 7. guests in the hotel can get 15% off
Waterfall park 8. boat trip 9. help take a photo 10. family over 5 people can have reduction of 12 dollars

Part 2 住宿设施介绍


11-20 填空

11. there are two keys: the flat key (the smaller one) and …

12. you should not forget to bring key with you because the door is self-locking/locked

13. there are two bathrooms in the flat but only one has the shower

14. music is not allowed before 7 am and after 9 pm

15. you can have your own food/meal in the kitchen

16. you can do laundry in the basement

17. you can find fire blanket on the roof

18. fire alarm is on the wall

19. you can find cleaning equipment in the …

20. you do not have to take care of the outside environment and the outside window

Part 3 学生对学校服务的意见


21-26 匹配

Two students comment on teaching and learning of their university

A. both of the students agree with the statement

B. the students neither agree or disagree with the statement

C. the students disagree with the statement

21. information about the course is clear: B

22. students receive enough academic support from the staff: A

23. the content of the course scheme meets students’ expectations: B

24. the tutor’s feedback for assignment is useful: A

25. there is enough room in the library: C

26. library provision of books can meet students’ study need: C

27-28 填空

27. need advertise more

28. need more part-time job

29-30 多选

29-30. Which two parts of college should be improved?

B. catering facilities

C. healthcare service

Part 4 机场未来建设


31-33 单选

31. recently, a fast growth of construction of new airports

C. deserves close attention

32. one noticeable fact is that construction of new airport is

B. more important than other buildings

33. what are the airport, cities and town in common?

A. respond to change

34-38 匹配

34. S1: there are more expensive flights because of economic depression

35. S2: there are emerging new airports

36. S3: there are also new transports pattern appeared

37. S4: people’s interest in flying is declining in western countries

38. S5: airlines cannot hold business because of the costly maintenance

39-40 填空

39. if the environmental problems continue, airport must be imposed on the “green tax

40. flight will close down if a trip does not get an insurance


2021年9-12月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2021年9-12月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案








Nowadays, some parents put a lot of pressure on their children. Why is the reason for doing that? Is this a positive or negative development for the children?

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