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2021年6月5日雅思考试答案  今天考试的吐槽貌似主要集中在阅读部分,尤其是阅读的最后一篇。不少同学都表示太 […]




P.S. 今天我们的雅思听力预测中了Part2,目前有6月12日的预测,只适用于大陆地区的考试,不中退款,有需要的同学可以点击下方链接了解详情:老烤鸭雅思听力考试预测


Part 1 poppy garden罂粟花园咨询


1. The poppies will be at their best at the end of the month

2. The poppies on the hills are orange in color

3. The reserve is located to the east of the garden

4. The best time for photography is mid-afternoon

另一版本为:this park is a state park

5. Wear trousers because of rattlesnakes

Activity item Time Duration
6. general tour 1.5 hours 7. viewpoint of center
8. 1 hour
Wildlife 9. 5.30 am to 1.00 pm 10. to bring the tripods and zoom lens of camera

Part 2 从机场到宾馆交通住宿介绍


11-14 选择

11. what did the message say about the shuttle bus

B. it takes a longer time

12. what does the message say about the bus

C. bus has no convenient stop

13. how to go to the hotel after arrival?

B. get off at the third stop by taking subway

14. what did T tell Jane about the ticket?

A. she needs to keep the ticket in the journey

15-20 地图

15. Linkin Avenue: A (河旁边)

16. 中间的道路: B

17. taxi pick up point: E (入口对面)

18. bus stop: I (最右边)

19. café: D (宾馆旁边)

20. Restaurant: G (宾馆对面街中间)

Part 3 家谱研究


21-26 选择

21. how they will collect useful material for family histories?

B. read relevant materials

22. what are the main subjects they interview

C. both males and females

23. which methodology used by the girl she felt the most interesting

C. interviewing old participants

24. how can the female students trace her family information

A. by contacting one relative living abroad

25. what is the suggestion of the tutor?

C. she concerned too much about her own family information

26. why did the girl worry about her topic

B. her research may be too simplified

27-30 匹配

27. references to family histories: E. varied

28. introduction: A. clear

29. methodology: C. detailed

30. conclusion: B. memorable

Part 4 红海海胆


31-40 填空

31. feed on plants

32. covered in spines that protect it

33. regarded as pest

34. Asia was an important market

35. scientific interest: because of the decline in urchin population

36. when it dies, no evidence of aging

37. maximum of life span: 200 years old

38. after 22 years old, grow 0.1 cm per year

39. can still breed and grow

40. the growth is unconnected to ocean conditions


2021年5-8月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2021年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案








The family has a great influence on children’s development, but the influence outside the home plays a bigger part in children’s life. Do you agree or disagree?

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2021年6月5日雅思考试答案 听力命中Part2:等您坐沙发呢!


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