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2018年5月19日雅思考试答案回忆 大陆卷+亚太卷 老烤鸭独家解析 五月份的第三场雅思考试已经结束,不知各位 […]

2018年5月19日雅思考试答案回忆 大陆卷+亚太卷 老烤鸭独家解析

五月份的第三场雅思考试已经结束,不知各位烤鸭们5.19场次的雅思考试感觉如何? 有烤鸭们反映阅读相对来说有难度,最后又碰到很难的process diagram (流程图)心里凉了一大截。老烤鸭小编根据大家的回忆,总结了这次考试的答案,希望对大家有所帮助。


Section 1 关于志愿者申请


1. address: 62 Mileda Street

2. Language skill: French and Chinese

3. go shopping

4. know how to socialize with people

5. license to drive

6. where does she live now: South of the river

7. be free only on Wednesday

8. date to start at: 3th June

9. put a mail note on the stairs in front of house

10. where to get the information on the radio

Section 2 天堂岛 Heaven Island

11. color of bus: A red

12. activity is free? B nocturnal walk

13. C changing room locker

14. B fishing

15. B banana boating

16. A canoeing

17. Island restaurant : D

18 general gift store :C

19. children center: H

20. bicycle hire: E


Section 3 Bird observation 鸟类观察

21.  Quantities small scale

22. Cost within budget

23. fruits and nuts

24. underneath a tree

25. Birds daily observe frequency time: 5 minutes

26. date recorded by – A themselves

27. types of birds by : A themselves

28. bird’s food by : B observers

29. C not be included in the form

30. comments by: B observers


Section 4 NEW  Orders might changed

31. waste

32. store

33. powder

34. holes

35. electricity

36. 无

37. 无

38. 无

39. factories

40. demand


Section 1 Viking ship and its replica

Section 2 儿向语言

Section 3 艺术复制品


小作文:流程图, 美国申请驾照的流程

大作文:In many countries, people like to eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas. As a result, people eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?


Section 1 Shipping company enquiry

1. A bicycle
2. Weigh more than 40 kg
3. For security reasons, liquids and food are banned
4. Containers made of plastic
5. Delivery on Saturday
6. Organization of storage
7. Transport 15 kg and a violin from UK to Sweden
8. Costs about 575
9. Debit or credit card over the phone or cash to the driver
10. Photocopy of passport Section 2 Cookery course11. Northern California – C offer individual class12. New Orlene – H offer afternoon bus tour

13. Italy – F healthy meal

14. Budget feasts – E save-time meal

15. Meals for two – G offer guided walks

16. Variations – A use particular ingredient

17. Oven – H

18. Refrigerator – F

19. Demonstration kitchen – D

20. Utensils cabinet – B


Section 3 环保砖

21. Why does the girl read this article: C for seminar on her topic

22. What does this girl think about feature the brick company: A all use entirely recycled

23. What kind of characteristic of the brink makes the man surprised: C easy to absorb

24. How did the student do the survey: B applied existed method

25. What is the advantage of the material: A no chemical reaction

26. Why did the magazine introduce the material applied in hospital: A how much material is applied

27. B smelly

28. D better colors

29. A architects are willing to try new materials

30. E government incentives will work


Section 4 Research on a French Castle

31. He also found a lot of pottery inside it

32. Some archaeologists came over to conduct a survey on it

33. Experts found evidence of the existence of textile industry

34. People come to collect water

35. Next to a bridge on the river

36. People found some silver coins

37. Public square in local market

38. The sculpture of the lions

39. Western area

40. Another sculpture for the Roman emperor




大作文:Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals is increasing the gap between the rich people and the poor people. Others think this has an opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


参考老烤鸭 2018年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/4052.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

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