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雅思写作教育类高分词汇总结 含例句 教育类题目一直都是雅思写作大作文中特别容易考察的内容。其具体考察方向包括: […]


雅思写作教育类高分词汇总结 含例句


1. graduate

含义:毕业生,毕业。To complete a first university degree successfully

例句:I graduated from the University of Salford in 2009.

My graduation ceremony was in 2009.

2. curriculum

含义:课程。The group of subjects studied in a school, college, etc.

例句:Schools must ensure they have an excellent curriculum.

3. qualification

含义:资质。An official record showing that you have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc

例句:Good qualifications are really important if you want to get a well-paid job.

I am qualified to teach English.

4. coursework

含义:作业。Regular work done by students as part of a course, but assessed independently of formal exams.

例句:The coursework on my degree was really difficult.

5. co-education

含义:男女在一起接受教育。When male and female students are taught together in the same school or college rather than separately

例句:Co-educational schools prepare students for their future better than single-sex schools.

6. cheat

含义:作弊。To behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want

例句:He did really well in his exams but he cheated. He copied from a friend.

Cheating on exams is not recommended.

7. literacy

含义:读写能力。The ability to read and write.

例句:Literacy rates have declined considerably in Western countries over the last decade.

However, most children are literate.

8. illiterate

含义:文盲的,不识字的。Unable to read and write

例句:Many children in the poorest countries are illiterate.

9. primary/elementary education

含义:小学教育。First years of formal education from around age 5 to 11.

例句:A good primary education is crucial for a child’s development.

10. secondary education

含义:中学教育。Education during the time as a teenager.

例句:I loved it at my secondary school as I had so many friends.

11. higher/tertiary education

含义:高等教育。Non-compulsory education after finishing school, such as university, as well as vocational education and training at colleges.

例句:60% of children now go into higher education after they finish school.

12. concentrate

含义:集中注意力。To direct your attention or your efforts towards a particular activity, subject or problem

例句:It is difficult to concentrate on my work if there is a lot of noise.

I keep losing concentration due to the noise.


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