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广告雅思词汇日积月累 考前必背 本期老烤鸭雅思备考资料栏目将重点介绍一下一些很重要的与广告(advertise […]


广告雅思词汇日积月累 考前必背




TV commercial(电视广告): Promotion of products and services using color, action, sound and sight. These are memorale and accessible to a large market. They are good to show how something works and can be persuasive. 通过色彩、动作以及视觉的方式来推广产品。

Newspaper ad (报纸广告): These adverts can either be national or local. They are placed in particular sections in the newspaper. 这些广告可以是国家或者地区的。通常在报纸比较受欢迎的版块。

Magazine ads (杂志广告):These are aimed at a specific market and interest group. The ads are colourful and eye-catching but can be more expensive than newspaper.

Billboards (看板广告):These are often signs on the road or at sprots stadiums. This article is from Laokaoya website. Large billboards can give a message with impact but with limited information.  这些标志通常都在公路或者体育场。达到看板广告在传播消息方面有很大的影响力,但是承载者有限的信息。


Direct Mall直邮广告: Letters and adverts are sent directly to customer. This is a direct approach with a select audience. 广告信件会直接送到顾客家。这是针对特定顾客的一种直接手段。

Radio advertising无线电广播广告: This approach reaches a target audience and relies on them listening to a particular station. However, the message can easily be forgotten. 通过收听特定的广播站来传播给目标听众。不过,传播的讯息也有可能很快就给忘掉了。

Text messages短信广告: These promotions reach a target audience in real-time but they have a limited number of characters in the text. 实时传播给接受者,但是短信的字数有限。

Internet Pop-ups互联网弹窗广告: They can impact a vierwer and allow them easy access to the product. However, they can be annoying, intrusive and some even crash the system. 这种老烤鸭雅思小编想说的是的确很烦人啊,打开一个想看的网页却弹出两个不想看的游戏广告。

Email Advertising 电子邮件广告: Direct advertising to the customer. It is cost effective as long as the customer database is up-to-date.这类在国外也非常常见。

Flyers传单广告: Small flyers with printed information handed out to customers face to face. They can be attractive and informative but also costly.这类大家应该在各大超市或者购物区会有很收到过。



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/15677.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

广告雅思词汇日积月累 考前必背:等您坐沙发呢!


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