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Would people change their way of entertainment as they […]


Would people change their way of entertainment as they grow older?雅思口语Part three问题思路解析



Yes, they would. Because I think people’s taste towards specific things will change when they are older. I knew clearly that in my childhood my bestie loved playing LEGO with me, every time she played, she would feel a sense of excitement. But now, you know time changed, it seems that she is more into playing 王者荣耀, which is a very popular and addictive online mobile game in China.

是的我很认同这个看法,我觉得人们随着年龄的增长,他们对一些事物的品味就会发送变化。我记得很清楚,我儿时最要好的玩伴,她那个时候特别喜欢玩乐高,每次玩得都很嗨。但现在,完全和以前不一样了,她更喜欢玩一款现在在中国十分火爆的游戏-王者荣耀。 :grin:

考官还会问:Do you think it is important to take some time off work or study and do some leisure activities? (点击查看)

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Would people change their way of entertainment as they grow older?雅思口语:等您坐沙发呢!


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