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2019年9月14日雅思考试答案 大陆卷 今天的雅思听力再次登上热搜,虽然考过的同学都抱怨太难了,尤其是第二部 […]


2019年9月14日雅思考试答案 大陆卷




Section 1 咨询小学


1-10 填空

1. from 8.40 to 9.00 am 从早上8.40到9点

2. school will contact parents on the phone instead of email 学校会通过电话而不是电子邮件来联系父母

3. parents can attend art course with their kids 父母会跟孩子一起参加艺术课程

4. next gathering for parents: July 下一次父母集会是在7月

5. new gym next to the canteen and sports field in the back 新的体育馆在餐厅旁边

6. need not wearing the uniform that with name on the coats 不需要穿太有名字的制服

另一版本的回忆为:do not wear boots 不要穿靴子

7. activities: cooking, music, and chess 活动有做饭,音乐和象棋

8. summer camp in the countryside 在郊外的夏日野营

9. a professional dentist 专业的牙医

10. when they ride the bike to school, students should wear bright clothes and a helmet 学生骑自行车上学的话,应该穿明亮的衣服,带头盔

Section 2 答案暂缺

Section 3 太平洋岛屿国家的纺织物


21-25 选择

21. Pacific tapa cloth is different from other types because it is 太平洋的树皮布跟其他类型不一样,因为它

C. put to a wider range of use 有广泛的用途

22. what does Helen say about the paper mulberry tree? 海伦对桑葚树有什么说法?

B. not original from the Pacific 不是起源与太平洋

23. Why did Maori people stop making tapa? 为什么毛利人不再制作树皮布?

C. they found other better material for making fabric 他们发现了其他更好的材料

24. a large piece of tapa is made from smaller pieces which are 一大块树皮布是由小块树皮布拼在一起的

A. stuck together

25. 暂缺

26-30 匹配

26. Samoa: C. spiritual

27. Tonga: B. practical

28. cook island: C. spiritual

29. Tahiti: A. recreational

30. Fiji: D. commercial

Section 4 可可粉应用的历史


31-40 填空

31. 16th century: be used as money 被当成钱

32. 17th century: be processed as liquid chocolate 被处理为液态巧克力

33. 18th century: Americans added sugar into chocolate 美国人在巧克力里加糖

34. 19th century: researchers found it has an impact on a person’s mood 研究人员发现它对人的情绪有影响

35. the top export to country Italy 最大的出口国是意大利

36. solid in a chocolate bar 在巧克力棒里是固体

37. shops or factories 商店或者工厂

38. and choose Africa because the labor cost is low 选择非洲是因为那里的劳动力成本低

39. it is important for the local economy 对于当地经济很重要

40. Choose the site which is near the coast 选择靠近海岸的地址








It is a natural process for animal species to become extinct(e.g.dinosaurs and dodos). There is no reason for people to prevent them from this happening. Do you agree or disagree?


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2019年9月14日雅思考试答案 大陆卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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