雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a leisure activity you do with your family 描述一个你和家人一起做的休闲活动/家庭休闲活动
这道题目是当季的一个新话题,与家人和leisure activity (休闲活动)相关,难度系数适中。我们在生活中和家人接触的时间大都很多,期间的活动也不少。休闲活动可以是与一项运动相关,比如一起打个羽毛球、网球等等。也可以是亲子游戏或者桌游等等。这里可以参考《室内游戏》那篇话题卡的思路,当然还有比如和家人一起打个麻将或者扑克牌斗个地主。老烤鸭雅思小编需要提醒大家的是,这里有一个重点:family不仅仅可以指父母,也可是爷爷奶奶或者弟弟妹妹,只要是在一个家庭内的就可以。最后,建议大家拿到如下题目之后给自己一分钟时间思考并做个简短的笔记,然后开始口头练习并参考答案进行巩固练习。
Describe a leisure activity you do with your family
You should say:
What it is
When you do it
How you do it
And explain how you feel about it
Well, a leisure activity I do with my family is rock climbing.
It’s actually not real rock climbing on the mountain but an indoor one that is considered to be safer and sportive as well. The gym is just two blocks away from our family. I remember it was during last September that we went there for the first time.
I do this activity with all our family members during the winter because we think it’s a perfect indoor sport that allows us to stay healthy by doing some physical exercises when it’s too cold to go outside.
We usually go there without bringing any equipment because the gym can provide us some necessary amenities such as the locker, helmet, safety rope, rock climbing shoes and so on. This article is from Laokaoya website. All we need to do is learn the safety instructions from the professionals first, and climb! There are three levels of rock climbing, from the beginner level to the advanced one. I usually do the intermediate one, but I hope someday I could challenge the advanced level.
Well, I definitely feel this leisure activity is awesome! You know, it not only gives us an opportunity to keep fit, but also enhances our family relationship through this activity. We helped each other by sharing our own strategies for climbing. I hope we could keep this activity on our list for leisure.
Part 3 追加问题
What leisure activities are popular in China?
What leisure activities do young people like?
Do leisure activities have to be educational?
Do men and women like different leisure activities?