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雅思口语Part One 思路解析:Emails 电子邮件 电子邮件的使用频率应该会随着大家年纪的增长而日益提 […]


雅思口语Part One 思路解析:Emails 电子邮件

电子邮件的使用频率应该会随着大家年纪的增长而日益提升。老烤鸭小编记得自己申请的第一个邮箱是在初中的时候,但根本就没用过。大学的时候因为跟导师沟通,开始使用邮件,但频率也不是特别高。而工作之后,每天查收邮件已经是一种习惯了。如果大家现在还是大学生,并准备出国,其实有一个很好的切入点。就是自己申请时在各个学校的网申网站上留下的邮箱和发出去的邮件。即有话可说,又有真情实感。与该题目相联系的还有雅思口语Part Two的两个话题:重要的信件从他人那里听到的好消息,大家可以相互参考一下。

Do you often send emails? 你经常发电子邮件吗?

Yes, I do. I send emails nearly every day. You know, our teachers/professors in school require us to hand in our electronic copy of assignments as attachments in the email. Also, I need to use emails to communicate with my classmates who are cooperating with me in various projects.


When would you send emails to others? 你什么时候给别人发电子邮件?

Normally, I would send emails at night because that’s the only period of the day in which I had extra free time to do so. You know, I had courses both in the mornings and during the afternoons. But, this article is from Laokaoya website, if I had something urgent to deal with, I would send emails immediately.


Is sending emails popular in China? 中国流行发电子邮件吗?

Well, in the workplace, it is kind of popular as employees in many companies regard sending emails as the most formal way of communication, which is good for their companies’ images. However, in real life, I guess emails are the last option people would choose as they prefer social APPs like Wechat for communication.


Do think sending emails will be more or less popular in the future? 你认为在未来,发电子邮件会变得更受欢迎还是更不受欢迎?

I think it would be more popular. I know that lots of people in China still choose instant messaging APPs like Wechat to communicate in life and business. However, more and more have realised the importance of writing emails. You know emails can present information in a more logical way, which is what those APPs can’t provide.


Do you write many emails? 你写很多电子邮件吗?

Yes, I do. As I am applying for universities right now, I write lots of emails to communicate with their student administration offices and make inquiries about their programs.



How often do you write an email?


About once a week, but sometimes more often. It is mainly up to how often the correspondents reply. Some universities, you know, like to take their time, while others reply very quickly.

What are the differences between emails and letters?


In my eyes, emails are much more efficient than letters. Your correspondent can receive it at the moment you send it. But, this article is from laokaoya website, it is less formal than letters. When somebody sends you a hand-writing letter, you must have an important place in his or her heart.

What kind of email do you think is the hardest to write?


It must be the email to ask for time off. I have to be very sincere and manage to find a good excuse, which I often lack, so that the professor would approve it.

How do you feel when you receive emails?


Well, my feelings will highly depend on what kind of email I receive. If it is a junk mail or advertisement, I will be annoyed. But if it brings good news, it will cheer me up.

What kinds of email do you receive that make you feel excited?


I would say the email that the professor finally grants my time off. Apart from that, I will be really overwhelmed if the email contains my dream university’s offer.

How do you communicate with others at work?


If it is something formal, like a notification or a regulation, I will choose Email. It leaves proof and is easy to check. If it is just daily-routine communication, like some details about a specific job, I will choose Wechat, it more convenient and I can send a voice message.

Do you think it is important to reply to emails quickly? 你认为快速回复电子邮件重要吗?

Yes, I think so. Responding to the emails quickly is a good way to show your sincerity and also helps improve the progress of the whole matter. Nobody wants to wait too long for an email that involves a quite urgent issue.

Who do you write to? 你写给谁?

I usually write to my classmates and teachers. Our teachers have a lot of assignments that need to be done on Word. So, I usually communicate with my classmates on our shared work through email and forward the final doc to my teachers.

What kind of email do you receive that makes you happy? 你收到哪种邮件会开心?

Definitely, it’s the email that tells me the good news, for example, offers from my ideal universities or an email from the school telling us that we will have a day off due to the terrible weather condition.

How often do you write an email? 你多久写一次邮件?

I write emails nearly every day. I usually write emails to my classmates to discuss something about our shared assignments. Sometimes, I write emails to my professors to ask some difficult questions that I have while reading the academic articles.


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/1445.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part One 思路解析:Emails 电子邮件:等您坐沙发呢!


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