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雅思口语Part One思路解析:Mirror 镜子 这个话题可能对女孩更友好一些,每天化妆、梳头、搭配衣服都 […]


雅思口语Part One思路解析:Mirror 镜子

这个话题可能对女孩更友好一些,每天化妆、梳头、搭配衣服都需要用到镜子。对于男生而言,镜子在日常生活中的地位可能就没有那么高。甚至有些平时根本不照镜子。我们在回答的时候并不一定要用肯定的答复,否定并说明情况也是可以的。除此之外,男生也想想必须照镜子的场景,比如买衣服(有一道Part Two的题目就是关于最喜欢的衣服),刮胡子等。总得来说,我们在日常生活中接触到的镜子主要有三类:一类是营业场所用来装饰的镜子。最典型的例子就是理发店或者一些饭店墙上挂的大镜子。第二类是家中的穿衣镜,供我们研究穿搭或者看看衣服是否整齐。第三类是女生用的化妆镜,放在包里可以随时查看自己的妆容。

Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? How often? 你喜欢照镜子吗?有多经常?

I am not keen on looking at myself in the mirror. It is too smug for me. But I do use it every morning before I get out of my room to make sure my clothes are neat and clean, and their colours and styles match each other.


Have you ever bought mirrors? 你曾经买过镜子吗?

Yes, I have. The first day I got enrolled in the university and found my dormitory, I bought a mirror at the vendor on the street and stuck it onto the wall of my room.  This article is from Laokaoya website. It is a second-hand one, with some scratches at the corner and edges, but it perfectly satisfies my demands.


Do you usually take a mirror with you? 你经常随身携带镜子吗?

No, never. In fact, I do not think any boy would do that unless it is out of his job’s requirement. This habit is too girl-ish and will definitely incur jeer from their peers.


Would you use mirrors to decorate your room? 你会用镜子来装饰房间吗?

No, I would not. It is a bit scary. You know, when I wake up at night and opened my bleary eyes, I may forget the existence of the mirror and mistake my reflection as a stranger in my room. It will terrify me.



How often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?


I would say once a day. Though I do not like to look in mirror, I do need it to shave my beard and make sure I dress properly.

Have you ever bought mirrors?


No. There is a big mirror in the washroom in my dormitory. It satisfies my needs perfectly since I do not look at the mirror very often.

Do you check yourself when you decide to buy a mirror?


Since I have never bought a mirror, I am not sure. But I believe I will so that I can make sure the mirror is all right. It will not make me look slimmer or thicker.

Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?


No, I do not think so. But I do know some small restaurants or hair saloons put up big mirrors on one side of their walls to exaggerate the visual space of the room.


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/1338.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part One思路解析:Mirror 镜子:等您坐沙发呢!


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