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雅思G类书信写作范文 给朋友写道歉信 本期老烤鸭雅思写作专栏G类小作文将要讲到的是道歉信的题目。一般提到道歉信 […]


雅思G类书信写作范文 给朋友写道歉信

本期老烤鸭雅思写作专栏G类小作文将要讲到的是道歉信的题目。一般提到道歉信,文体形式可以分为正式文体(formal format)和非正式文体(informal format)。今天老烤鸭雅思小编要介绍的这道题会涉及到非正式文体的道歉信。希望大家能够多多练习。

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 你需要花20分钟来完成这个任务

Write a letter to a friend. You have borrowed something from your friend and it got damaged. 写一封信给你的朋友。你从你的朋友那里借了个东西,但是弄坏了。

  • Apologize for damaging the product 对破坏产品的行为表示道歉
  • Explain what happened 解释一下发生了什么
  • Say how are you going to fix the issue 说明一下你会怎么解决这个问题

You do NOT need to write any addresses. 不必写出任何地址


Sorry, it’s taken me so long to write to you but at last, I put pen to paper to explain why I haven’t returned that DIY book I borrowed from you.


To be honest, I’ve been feeling so guilty that I delayed writing to you. I have to own up that I damaged the book accidentally. I’m so very sorry. This article is from Laokaoya website. I know how important that book is to you as it was passed down from your late father.


What happened is that I had been reading up on the chapter about DIY plumbing when I knocked over my cup of coffee which splashed all over the book. Most of the stain is on the pages that were open at the time.


I’ve sent the book away to be repaired. I didn’t realize that was even possible until I researched it. Anyway, it should be as good as new when I get it back next week and then I’ll send it on to you.


Again, I’m so sorry for the delay in telling you. I hope you can forgive me.


Best wishes




雅思G类小作文范文 回复邻居抱怨噪音的信件


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/12734.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类书信写作范文 给朋友写道歉信:等您坐沙发呢!


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