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雅思口语part3: Why do people like to watch TV shows? 为什么人们喜 […]


雅思口语part3: Why do people like to watch TV shows? 为什么人们喜欢看电节目?

电视节目(TV shows/program)不管是在雅思口语第一部分、话题卡部分还是第三部分都考到了很多次,属于高频题目。因此,烤鸭们在准备这类题目的同时,多多回顾了一下之前老烤鸭给出的其它部分的原创参考答案,自己在练习的过程中可以多给自己一点时间去思考一下生活中可以连接的人事物。

Well, I think the reason why people are quite keen on TV shows is that people find them appealing and enjoyable. There are tons of awesome shows recently from home and abroad. For example, this article is from Laokaoya website, the ZHONGGUOHAOSHENGYIN, which is known as the Voice of China, has been quite a hit as it presents many talented singers’ performances. You know, it’s just like a feast to both the eyes and ears. Plus, some love watching TV shows simply because they think it’s a good way to accompany their family members. They can talk and share their feelings while enjoying the shows.

我觉得人们喜爱观看电视节目的原因是因为人们觉得这些节目特别吸引人也很享受。在国内外最近有很多很棒的节目。例如,中国好声音,又叫做the Voice of China,非常火爆,因为这个节目呈现了很多有才能的歌手们的表现。这真是一种视觉和听觉上的盛宴。另外,一些人们喜欢看电视节目只是觉得这是陪伴家人的好方式。他们能在欣赏节目的同时和家人讲话,分享他们的感觉。

点击返回查看该话题卡: Describe a game show or a quiz program you watched on TV or online 游戏节目


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雅思口语part3: Why do people like to watch TV shows? 为什么人们喜欢看电节目:等您坐沙发呢!


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