2019年5月11日雅思考试答案 亚太卷
今天亚太卷的雅思考试难度仍然一般。甚至相比于大陆而言还要更为简单一些。雅思听力部分的Section 1考察了许多字母拼写和数字。雅思写作部分的小作文为折线图,大作文则要求大家讨论团队协作能力。老烤鸭小编根据网上考生的回忆,整理了这次考试的答案,以供大家参考。
Section 1 生态农场
1-10 填空
1. Surname: Pennington 姓名拼写
2. Email address helen231@Greenworld.com 考察电子邮箱地址
3. Home address 66 lake road, Winchester, WL204BF 考察家庭住址
4. Information source Radio 信息来源为收音机
5. Membership No. UK765024eg 会员号,考察数字
6. Type of accommodation Flat 住宿的类型是公寓
7. Preferred campsite in Forest 更喜欢住在森林里
8. Meals provided in the form of Organic food 提供有机食物
9. by train and bike 通过火车和自行车
10. Preferred course Dance 更喜欢舞蹈课程
Section 4 广告对人们消费的影响
31-40 填空
Advertising Effect
The important factor to consider
31. The distance customers must travel affects the probability that they will buy the product 消费者前去的距离影响他们买产品的可能性
Methods of communication
32. Advertising slogans are easier to remember if there is a sound played with them 如果有声音的话,广告口号更容易被记住
33. Mandy,s Candy Store appeals to peoples sense of chocolate to draw in customers 糖果商店利用人们对巧克力的感觉来吸引客户
34. To an ad campaign for digital products, it is the flexibility that is extremely important 对于电子产品的营销活动而言,最为重要的是灵活性。
Effect on your product sales
35. The customer’s reaction after he or she experiences the ad is most important 看到广告之后消费者的反应是最重要的
Marketing strategies
36. On international flights, it is wise for advertisements to be displayed in the common languages of most passengers 广告要以大多数乘客的语言展现出来
37. Very few young people buy the newspaper 很少的年轻人买报纸
38. The UNESCO website would be a good place to advertise for companies aiming to
improve the environment 联合国教科文组织对于旨在提升环境的公司而言是个很好的做广告的地方。
39. One good location to place ads for sunscreen is the swimming pool 对于太阳镜来说,一个很好的放置广告的地点是游泳池。
40. A good scene for a water purification commercial would be national parks 对于净水商业的良好地方是国家公园。