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雅思G类书信写作范文 写信阻止机场扩建 本期雅思G类移民信件作文与城市建设与管理相关。在国外,城市的基础设施比 […]


雅思G类书信写作范文 写信阻止机场扩建


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 请花二十分钟在此项任务上面

You are unhappy about a plan to make your local airport bigger and increase the number of flights. You live near the airport.


Write a letter to your local newspaper. In your letter 写一封信给你们当地的报纸,在信件中,

  • explain where you live 解释一下你居住在哪里
  • describe the problem 描述一下问题
  • give reasons why you do not want this development 给出为什么你不想要发展

Write at least 150 words.不低于一百五十词

Dear Sir or Madam,

As a local resident, I would like to protest the development of our local airport as it would bring many negative consequences. I am writing to request you to publish an article in your newspaper regarding the problems the expansion of the local airport would cause.


I live near the Bogra International Airport where more than two thousand citizens, including children and older people, reside. This article is from laokaoya website. Life near the airport is already difficult as harsh noises are frequent, especially at night when the aeroplanes land or depart the runway. If the number of flights is increased, the noise will become unbearable. This could result in immense distress to the people. Besides, it would worsen the traffic condition of the adjacent roads.


Moreover, the airport authority wants to expand the area; so our lovely park, which is essential for every citizen of this locality, will be diminished. Due to this, everyone in our locality is against this proposed development. If you agree with me, please publish an article to your newspaper to disagree with this unnecessary and detrimental development.


I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Yours faithfully,


Joe Khan


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/11904.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类书信写作范文 写信阻止机场扩建:等您坐沙发呢!


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