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雅思口语Part One话题思路解析:Pop star 流行明星 这个PART ONE的对话话题是围绕流行明显 […]


雅思口语Part One话题思路解析:Pop star 流行明星

这个PART ONE的对话话题是围绕流行明显开展的,一般可能会从你喜欢听的歌曲下手开始一步步追问。当然也考官也可以直截了当进入主题。下文是常见必考相关问题,随问题附上老烤鸭原创答案供烤鸭参考。

Who’s your favorite pop star?


My favorite pop star is Micheal Jackson who is one of the most famous pop song singers in history. In my mind, he was the only male singer that combines uniqueness(独一无二) and peace (和平、内心的平和)in the music ever in history. Every time  I listened to his songs, I just couldn’t resist the feeling of passion(激情).

Do you want to be a pop star?


Not really. Being a pop star means to get more exposure to the public, which will give me little time to something just alone. Also, it’s highly possible that a pop star’s privacy(隐私) won’t be protected for the most time.

Do you like to go to concerts?

你喜欢去看明星的演唱会吗?  当然,还会问道相关的话题卡,不知道有哪些,如何准备?点击查看》》》Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a theater or a music hall)

Yes, I will go to the concerts of my favorite pop song singers if I have enough money. When sitting in the live concert, the feeling is so different, I could sense the passion of the singers and the shouting of the fans, which is quite awesome(棒极了).

Do you prefer live music or recorded music?


I prefer recorded music over live one, only because it can be replayed many times, which is really convenient for me who is working/studying all day long. Also, the sound quality(音质) is pretty much higher than the live one.

更多雅思口语Part One问题解析(点击查看) 以及与流行明星相关的口语话题卡:Describe your favorite singer or band 喜欢的歌手

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